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Alarm problems!

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First off, i have a Clifford concept 300 put in my Rado...


Tried starting the car today and it was like the battery was dead, wasn't even attempting to start and there was no ignition lights. :censored:

As I took the keys out the alarm went off. Locked and unlocked on the key fob, indicators flashed and alarm beeped but there was popping noises and the locks didn't actually move.


Got out of the car and about a meter away the alarm goes off again. :censored:


Try to lock and unlock and the car but nothing happened. Hopped in the car and put the keys in the ignition and turned the ignition on and it started. Thought that'd be a good enough fix to investigate whats going on. No deals, lasted a minute max and started going off, Fob, nor ignition works. After arsing about trying to jump start the car with broken jump leads (no deals on this either, exactly the same.) I just whacked the battery out in the end.


Now I've got a horrible headache and I'm pretty sure the neighbours aren't too happy with the alarm going off and me shouting and swearing at it for 20-30 minutes!


Anyone have any clue what on earth is going on? I've never had an aftermarket Alarm/Immobiliser so I don't really have a clue.

Battery is pretty new and it was sitting for a couple of days, Only thing i can think of that could have drained it is the radio doesn't power off unless you physically turn it off (it was definately off though) or the Immobiliser was left in Valet mode, which I'm certain the previous owner advised to do.

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i have an even older more complicated concept 50 clifford and it is a bag of wank. I just can't be bothered to pay out for another more simple alarm and then rip out the old one and fit the new one, yada yada yada. mine works of a very loose term, I have had a very similar problem to you, when i tried to start the car after the battery went flat one time all it did was lock the car when the key was turned to ignition and unlock the car when i took the key out of the barrel?!?!?! I had to disconnect the battery, let the alarm run its self down then re-connect the battery re-setting the alarm.

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