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best site to buy a Rad?

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Do you mean a Radiator or a corrado? :lol:


there is no reason you can't get a good example of a corrado from any private listing, just have a look on the buyers guide on here, familiarise yourself with what to look out for and then have a look at a few different cars, or if you don't feel confident there may be someone on here willing to go with you to look at a car.

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got my 94' VR & now S3 both off Autotrader UK, no problems.

Brother got deal of the century on '02 Golf GTTDi on EbayUK.

As above, it boils down to knowing wat to look for, possible dodgy areas etc

Sometimes 'Exchange & Mart' have very good examples. There's two tasty 2.0ltr ones on there now.

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I found mine off the local http:://www.gumtree.com/. I bid for a few on ebay but they either went way over priced or not high enough to meet the reserve. I'm not sure ebay is all that good for cars to be honest; you really need to see what you're buying first, and that's awkward with ebay. It seems like lots of folk just put silly money on the ebay auction in order to have a chance to view it and then haggle/walk away.

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