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My mate has recently bought a 53 plate Focus RS and has taken me out for a spin in it. Now dont get me wrong, its pretty nippy, but he started quoted some figures of one of them was a 0-60 time of 5.9secs, which he got from the EVO magazine. Now i know its a nippy car, but i dont think its quite that nippy. I had a lil gander in the back of my EVO mag when i got back and sure enough it has the RS down at 5.9, so i had a look at some other similar cars. The Integra DC5 for example. Now i know the Vtec engine delivers the power very differently to the 2L turbo in the RS, but it has the 0-60 of the integra down as just 7.2, surely it cant be that different to the RS?


Anyone got any thoughts on the figures quotes in this mag? Some of them seem slightly out of line, like an Audi TT 225 being a few tenths of the 0-60 of a P1 scooby

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In Parkers, the RS is down as 6.2secs 0-60 and the ITR is down as 6.5secs 0-60 so you'd be correct in thinking the times should be similar! Just checked the Audi and Scooby P1 - 6.4secs for the TT and 4.6secs for the Impreza.


Don't EVO mag road test the vehicles to get the 0-60 times themselves rather than going by book figures?

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Don't EVO mag road test the vehicles to get the 0-60 times themselves rather than going by book figures?


The do some I think, but use manufacturers figures for others as they can't test all of them.


I'd have expected the RS to be a bit quicker than the type R, the Vtec engine wouldn't have been ideal for standing starts.


Is the TT225 a quattro or not?

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The V6 quattro is down as 7.0 and the 225 quattro is down as 6.1.


Surely 6.1 is a little optomistic, even with 225 bhp. Surely that means with some breathing mods and a remap you'd be looking at 5.5ish.


I know 0-60 isnt what a car is all about, but its the bench mark that is usually used.


Still, a Skyline GTR V-spec R33 is down as 5.7, which is the kind of 'next car' i'd be looking at after a rado. Or just throw caution to the wind and charge a VR, but being a rado owner already that sounds more expensive than running a skyline!!

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I'd have expected the RS to be a bit quicker than the type R, the Vtec engine wouldn't have been ideal for standing starts.


One less gearchange for the Teg though. :shrug:

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Don't EVO mag road test the vehicles to get the 0-60 times themselves rather than going by book figures?


The do some I think, but use manufacturers figures for others as they can't test all of them.


In the knowledge section at the back the ones tested are on bold print.

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Personally I get fed up of a lot of people who keep quoting the brochure on these figures. I mean although they can claim their car does it in 5.5 seconds could they acrually produce this themselves in the car?


Best way to find out 0-60 is go to GTI international and take it up the quater mile strip as they were giving 0-60 times aswell.

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Personally I get fed up of a lot of people who keep quoting the brochure on these figures. I mean although they can claim their car does it in 5.5 seconds could they acrually produce this themselves in the car?


Best way to find out 0-60 is go to GTI international and take it up the quater mile strip as they were giving 0-60 times aswell.


I agree.


I used a GPS device on my old Civic Type-R which according to the mags and brochure did 60 in well under 7 seconds yet I couldn't match it no matter how I tried. I was barely getting 7.3-7.4s.


Perhaps the car could do it, but not in my incapable hands...

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