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93 vr6 white smoke

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i have a 93 2.9 vr6,


this morning i drove to the petrol station it drove fine, i filled up but when i left it miss fired and white smoke bellowed out the back, i pulled over and checked the plugs as they oil up as its i suspect its suffering bore wear but still it miss fired and white smoke, i limped home and left it an hour checked the water which had gone down a bit which is unusal but i have not checked it in a while, i topped it up and gave it a try and it was fine drove 5 miles or so and no problems! very weird, i thought head gasket but i cant imagion it would fix itself maybe funny electrics to the injectors? if any one has any idea it would be great as i find it a little hard to trust it at the moment





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white smoke is generally caused by water inrgess into the cylinders - you might want to get a compression test done for peace of mind...

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ok i the car is still playing up white smoke smells of petrol quite strong runs rough,


did a compression test and got








not sure if that is outside tollerences on 2 cylinder,


it has lost a little water which is weird but have just noticed wet passenger foot well, cant imagion it is the materix as have already replaced that could be rain got in.


anyway cant think what the smoke is? i guess fueling maybe an injector maybe a sensor, would a head gasket read different on the compression test?


any help much appreciated as i cant think what it could be?



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so 140 is to low? whats a sniffer test can i buy it do it or is it a garage job?


i'm not sure on the exact figures what the compression parameters should be i'm afraid (i.e at what figure you should start to worry), but with the other cylinders being so uniform and that one being different (only personally here - as you obviously get mucho heresay and opinion on internet forums) i would question it.


a sniffer test is a chemical test done on your coolant to see if any exhaust gasses are contaminating it (leaking from cylinder to coolant). a garage should definitely be able to sort you out (unsure as to cost...) and i'm afraid i don't know if you can just buy the chemicals etc to do it yourself as i've never really looked into it TBH...


one thing it might be worth checking first - on both my car and ziderapple's, there were some engine signal cables going to the ecu that ran past the ecu housing and over time had rubbed and started to earth on the shell (probably causing my prior rough running, also with white smoke etc), so that's possibly an easy fix...


hope you manage to get to the bottom of it :)

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thanks again


it seems it could be so many things, i have a strange sixth sense it is not the head gasket, just seems more electrical type fault but im not sure to be honest, its done 160k burns 1 litre of oil every 500-700 miles, but other than that runs like a dream, well it did,

i am wondering weather i should just have a go at taking the head off, checking and cleaning and replacing parts as they come off as im sure it needs some parts to avoid problems in the future, i dont get to drive it as often as i like in and out of london Occasionally so i could live without it for a couple of weeks,

i have never taken a head off but i am good with cars have quite a lot of tools, did a mk1 golf 16 valve Conversion years ago, but never a head, must say the timing chain worries me don't really fancy taking the tranny off as it is on the road but i guess these things are always more scary to think of before once i get going i will have no choice,

so i guess what i am asking is is it worth it or should i keep looking for a prob before, is it going to cost a fortune is it a Proverbial can of worms?


any help at all welcome,


lastly does anyone have vag.com in the west london area 2x2 connector? i would love to see what my car has to say for itself?


thanks nick

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