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In Pro headlights

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I have recently purchased a corrado for the first time, but when i purchased it, the passenger headliht was broken. I have just purchased a set if the black In Pro headlights but they seem to be causing me problems and can't work out the fittings. The headlights came set up for LHD but i believe I understand how to change this to RHD. I have now found out that the In Pro headlights don't have the vertical height adjusters on them and I believe I need to use the old adjusters from my old headlights. When I have tryed this the adjusters fit in the outer frame with the 3 tabs fiting in the gaps on the plastic case. But then when the ball of the end of the adjuster goes into the plastic square inside the new headlight it doesnt appear to fit and looks like its to loose. In the old original headlights the plastic inside holder lets the ball fit into it and not move about like it would in the In Pro headlights? So I am now rathered confused as what to do with these lights. Can anybody please help?

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when the adjusters were in the original headlights the plastic piece on the ball comes out of the original lens and then clips into the inpros (well it did on mine anyway)

this all clips together properly and adjust correctly ,

the left hand and right hand drive adjust you can see dowm through the bulb cover hole by the base of the dip light reflector , its a phillips screw

you will see the metal piece it clamps is slotted just move it the opposite side of the slot the metal moves not the screw

it all becomes apparent when you start looking and experimenting

hope this helps.

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Thank you Paul, i didn't realise the clips come out of the original headlights I just saw the balls when i took the adjusters out. I have now purchsed two new adjusters from volkswagen which cost me £20.06 before i realised I could use the old ones. The new adjusters have the plastic clips on the balls so I am just going to use these for easyness and means they are all new. Thank you Dan

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No probs at least your starting fresh with new adjusters as they get a bit brittle with age as i found out without having a new one to hand :(

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