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Crack pipe and gubbings

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Have read bits and pieces about this and wondered if anyone has the part numbers for the crack pipe itself and the seals that go with it, if they hare not included as have read different things about that.


Also read that best to replace some hoses in the vicinity, is this the case for sure and if so what are they and numbers.


I've tried that EKTA but the diagrams are hard work to say the least and I'm no mechanic anyway.


Can you reallistically do this without taking front end to pieces?


I had a mechanic replace the thermo housing and he didn't seem to have to remove a great deal, think he had a knack a working in a tight spot!


Also is there anything else worth doing, as if I had known about crack pipe before then would have had it done same time as thermo housing.


Water pump maybe and if so, is it best to go to stealers, seen some debate about plastic and metal impellors, surely metal best?


Also is there anything to be wary or, read someting about supporting engine and replacing bolts that ones removed have to be replaced with new?


Oh and can the bits be had from Ford as that's where I got the thermo housing and such like.



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