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16v with a list of probs,,what's the best route to take??

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Hey all,,


have been a member of the corrado forum for a while now but Im not a regular poster,,partly because I haven't had a second to myself to work on the car the past year. Now that I will have time at the weekends to work on her, I hope to get the car on the road as soon as I can.


I have the car since June of last year and only really got untill october out of the car untill I had to return to college (couldn't afford running costs).

With college finishing for me in May and a job offer on the table for me already,,I thought it's about time i got cracking on having the car on the road.



Have big plans for the car but the main issue is to get it back on the road. Before it was parked up the following needed to be sorted:


PAS pump needs replacing

both cv joints gone

MAF useless (your typical 99.99mpg readings,,tried resetting by disconnecting the battery,,no use)

heater only working on no.4

car is starting to get a thirst for oil


car has been parked up since (taken out for a run every week or two) but now she won't start.

(my bro took a look at it while I had the exams, car is priming fine and just turning over, he thinks the Kjet system could be at fault?)



Since the corrado wiki is down, I was wondering if there were how to guides for sorting out the MAF, heater and troubleshooting Kjet ststems if it boils down to it?


I would like to get the car back on the road in the next month or two (bank balance will determine when lol) but I can't do it on my own! That's where I hope you guys will come in!

Where would be the best place to start tackling the gremlins above?

I was also playing with the idea of a 9A bottom end in the car??Is it an easy conversion (engine mounting points, sensors etc.) and more importantly, what are the costs involved??



The rest of the pictures I have of the car are too large to post up, not too sure how to resize?



So there you have it, your typical corrado in need of TLC and a very tight budget!

Any help along the way will be greatly appreciated (and beer tokens when I hit the UK shows in the summer!!)




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oil burning, usually valve guides, head off and strip down, couple of hundred quid at least.

9a/6a good idea, just transfer all the KR bts you need onto it, straight swap block wise.

do you have a spark, the metering head can stick if it's drained down from the system loosing pressure, quite likely on an old system that's sat idle a long time, crack open a banjo union on the metering head, does fuel spray out?

16v bits aren't that expensive but it all adds up gasket and headbolts, head refurb, oil, filter, coolant and anything like water flanges on the head that crack when you take everything apart.

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oil burning, usually valve guides, head off and strip down, couple of hundred quid at least.

9a/6a good idea, just transfer all the KR bts you need onto it, straight swap block wise.

do you have a spark, the metering head can stick if it's drained down from the system loosing pressure, quite likely on an old system that's sat idle a long time, crack open a banjo union on the metering head, does fuel spray out?

16v bits aren't that expensive but it all adds up gasket and headbolts, head refurb, oil, filter, coolant and anything like water flanges on the head that crack when you take everything apart.


Thanks for the reply david,

Yeah the car was left sitting for about 5-6 weeks before we tried starting her. It is getting a spark so I'd say you could be right about the metering head. I will get a look at it as soon as I can.

With the oil problem, If I was to get the head done, I was thinking of doing all in one go and source a 2lt block, some people have said that the ABF is the better choice over the 9A but, again, the main problem would be the budget for doing such a thing!

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I bought an entire 6a audi 2L 16v for 100 quid last year, and the later ACE audi engine is basically the same as the ABF, keep a look out for MOT failure 16v audi's :)

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Nice one!


did you carry out the conversion yourself?? Something I would love to attempt myself but anything in terms of fabraication of mounting brackets and the like I would be useless at! :brickwall:

Did you have a thread on the conversion by any chance?

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Nice one!


did you carry out the conversion yourself?? Something I would love to attempt myself but anything in terms of fabraication of mounting brackets and the like I would be useless at! :brickwall:

Did you have a thread on the conversion by any chance?


It's just a straight swap, it's basically just nuts and bolts, everything fits, although the block of an ABF/ACE is slightly taller (if you use one of those) and I'm not totally sure what clearance you get with the standad manifold and downpipe.


Club GTI is the place to look, loads of info on putting 2L blocks into 1.8 GTIs in there, basically an identical job in a 1.8 16v C.

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Thanks a million david, gives me something to ponder about over the next couple of weeks!

I'll be back home monday so I'll tackle the car on monday and see if it's teh metering head that's giving trouble.

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stick your location in your Profile and your model/year of car in your sig, helps everyone know a little before answering postsmode> :D

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I've tidied it all up now! :salute: :grin:


I was trying to source a few other bits and pieces on the irish vw site vagdrivers.ie and came across a 2nd hand metering head off a car that had been broken, if it does turn out to be this, at least I've another one sourced

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I had the same problem with my heater only working on 4 there is a thermal fuse on the blower motor that needs replacing I soldered a bit of wire over it to make the circuit that was about a year ago and no problems there is a fuse for the blower in the fusebox anyway.

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