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Jim Bowen

What keeps your enthusiasm for corrado going?

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There are so many answers to this question for me. Most have already been said - looks, noise, driving fun, just how different it is, CF and all the cracking people I've met at shows and waved to on the road but like a few others I've been losing enthusiasm recently. I knew I'd regret getting rid of the car so I had a bit of a break. I've barely been on the forum since the Germany trip and I haven't done anything to my car since well before then. I just used it as an a-to-b car for a while.


A week or so ago, someone drove into my garage door and now I can't open it. Luckily I was out otherwise my car would not only have been trapped but also damaged. I was horrified but thankful for that lucky escape but now I'm sick that my car is going to have to spend at least 3 weeks outside whilst the housing association wait for the assessor to have time to survey the damage. I think the bug is coming back...


So today I bought a daily - ideal timing really. I have picked up a cracking Jetta from Martin (VR6South) and my dad kindly drove my C back whilst I followed in my new toy. Seeing it on the move again was awesome. It just looks so good despite the millions of things which I know are wrong with it and despite it being filthy. My dad even booted it past me in 3rd at one point and it sounds great too. I'm falling in love again and can't wait for better weather and some shows!


edit: that was quite a long post - I guess the bug really is back...!

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