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Dancing Fish

Leaking Front Sunroof Drains - Options?

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My drivers footwell was decidely wet, so I decided to find the culprit. I soon found that when pouring water down the front sunroof drains that whilst about half drained out the bottom near the wheel arches, the rest drained down the side of my dash and into my footwell. Nice. It's defo this, my doors were open and I tried it a few times and it was leaking higher than those holes in the engine scuttle bit so it's not them - i had cleared them anyway. Also, i have pushed a length of piping down these drains and pulled it out the bottom so there is no obvious blockage.


So the question is this, how do I do something about that? I assume that there is some kind of hose that attaches to these drain points and that it is either not attached very well or the pipe is split. So how do I check that? Is the only way to it to remove the headlining? Saw a post on that. Seems a bit of a job. Can I really be arsed? I've no idea really how long it has been like that, and probably only shown up since my heater has packed up (dodgy bypass vales or airlock right?!), so if i fix that, perhaps i can live with a small amount of water that gets dried by the heater. Good excuse not to wash it too! Or i could just wash around the sunroof!




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