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Kenwood KDC 9080 NO SOUND

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I have a kenwood kdc 9080 and i think that the power amp chip has blown, i get sound out of the pre outs and the display all works fine but i have no sound out of the main speaker outs. I have changed every preset on the head unit, and i have tried turning the volume up and taking it off mute. :p


Ok now does anyong know about power amp chips for Kenwood?


Where could i get one?


How much would it cost?





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First thing's first...did it ever work?! I ask because I just bought a Corrado with a stereo that was exactly the same. Upon further investigation I found that the previous owner had jammed the rear speaker wires in the hinge for the back seat :shock:....similarly the short circuit had blown the amplifier chip.


If you're looking to buy a new amplifier chip then your best bet will be to find the part number and go speak to someone in Maplin....I believe there is one on Castle Meadow in Norwich. I would not expect it to be all that cheap though :?


I'd also try to find the reason why the amplifier failed before I fitted another stereo in place of the old one!

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hi there thanks for your reply,


I brought the head unit off ebay last week and got it this morning. Now in the description it never said anything about it being faulty. My speaker are all fine in the car because i ahve been runnig a cheapo £5 stereo like a dream while i found one i liked.


The guy had been unsing the head unit with seperate amps for the fronts and rears, there are 3 sets of pre outs ont he head unit as well as the normal speaker outs.


The whole unit works fine except for the standard speaker outs. The pre's all work and the cd player and radio are fine etc etc, which leads me to believe that the power amp chip has blown as the pre amp is still working.


The thing is i don't know what to do. I love the stereo and they are hard to find. I could send it back to the guy or press charges through ebay if he is going to be an arse, or i could get it fixed and get him to cough up the charges.


I just need to know wheather it is the power amp chip thats died and how easy it is to get another one. I don't want to pull the head unit apart and go find a new chip to find out that thats not the problem.


How much would it cost me to send it to a repairer and get a quote to get it fixed?


Hmm i really love the stereo but should i get it fixed or should i return it.


I'll go check out maplins and see what they say.



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I'll have an ask around with some of my contacts in the morning and see if any of them can shed any light on it...


I have a feeling that CPC (part of Farnell) may well be able to get the amp chips for this kind of thing a shed load cheaper than anyone else. 8)

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Hey, BevisJem? I just downloaded the instructions and wanna check something before I start calling some of my suppliers... 8)


On the wiring harness, there's a brown wire and a black wire... The BLACK wire is the earth. The brown wire should not be connected to anything and should be insulated so that it cannot touch earth... This brown wire is the telephone mute and will kill the speaker outputs, but, according to how you've set the menu options, not neccesarily the Amp outputs, IE, exactly what you say yours is doing... :?


Just do me a favour and make sure this is correct before I start calling people... :wink: 8)

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Thank henny, i have checked it a couple of times to see if i was doing somthing stupid. I will have another check just in case.


The anoying thing is i can't smell fried silicon, which is normally a good give a way to componets not working. :?


Cheer for the help henny let me know how your doing.



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How much did you pay for it mate? If you got a good deal on it then keep hold of it and buy a nice amp to go with it, they are cracking cd players. If you can wait till after christmas I have a back to one at work which I took the laser out of for another. I will double check i have it but if you want it ill dig it out.

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