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What have i done wrong?

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Just wondering if someone could help me by identifying what i must have done wrong when i changed my front springs.

I'm sure i put everything back exactly how it was but the top of the suspension, (as seen in engine bay), seems to have a large gap.

There was no gap when i first put the suspension back on and it sat flush but i looked today and it seems to have developed on both sides suggesting that i have made a mistake somewhere down the line.

I'm finding it hard to explain the problem so will attach a picture.

- I'm sure it's summin simple that i have done wrong but just can't get my head round what it could be.

Would be a great help if someone can help resolve it.






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Looks a bit high, suspect the top mount rubbers are a bit smaller to standard maybe? What's going on with all the nuts on the strut brace!!

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ok kl, obviously not any major problem.

i dont really know much about the strut brace, fairly new car to me, still got alot to learn.

plus, previous owner sold it in a bit of a state, hence the overspray everywhere which u can probs see.

my job is to get the car into a decent condition in order to have some fun in

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