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Disaster at Motorway speeds!!!

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My rado is (or should i say was) fitted with a reiger debadged eye brow spoiler and grill, basically was driving home from work with the bonnet not closed properly (for some reason it dosnt close properly if its pushed down from one side, it will look closed but still open from the other side) so im guessin that the space it was given between the headlight and the bonnet was enough to shake it to pieces and send the 3 slat grill flying over my roof!!


so a wierd warning to anyone who has one of these grills, make sure your bonnet is shut properly or it will fly off,


lucky my bonnet didnt fly open into my windscreen, my own fu**ing fault lol

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your not the first and i doubht ull be the last that this has happened too.. the rieger grills unless well stuck down will make a bid for freedom..

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I have always feared this would happen to me.. The grill flying off that is.. The eyebrow does not seem strong enough to withstand the wind... Somehow against all odds it has managed to hold together at speeds up to 110mph.. I don't push my luck though... :grin:

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