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Parcel Shelf, To cut or not to cut...

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Hi everybody! I have an un-cut parcel shelf in the car, and from what i can gather it's a fairly rare thing to have? So should i cut 6x9 holes in it, or leave it be? It's kind of sagging in the middle at the back (of the car), so i'm not sure if it's worth saving

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You sit in the front so put some decent speakers in the front :)


Personally I wouldn't put any speakers in the shelf - get some decent components in the front and maybe some better speakers in the rear in place of the standard ones.

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like he said^^^^


but if you really have to fit 6x9's, buy or build a good solid mdf shelf, its a waste of time fitting speakers to such a flimsy surface.


If its sagging in the middle it's quite likely something heavy has been put on it as they dont tend to sag on thier own, they have metal rails running through them so it might be worth trying to gently bend it straight again.

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If its A1 condition then I'd leave as is, plenty of cheap ones on here and Ebay with the holes already cut out for you.

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