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16v surge

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I have recently noticed this. It only happens when I floor it, and then lift off quickly. There is a strong, though brief, surge just at the point I lift off. Its more noticeable in higher gears 3+, though it will also happen in second.


I have reset timing recently, though it idles and revs fine, and there seems to be plenty of power (maybe very very slightly lumpy on idle - I couldn't find a long enough allen key to adjust the fueling thing on the airbox).


Not really a big problem, but I'm wondering if the engine is giving 100% the rest of the time.


Anybody any ideas??

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I'm 'giving' the car to my dad soon :? :( for a few months (years??) while I'm away, and I want it to be perfect when I hand it over.

Would incorrect CO adjustment as described in the first post be the cause? I don't want to go adjusting something that might need specialist equipment to get right, especially if its not likely to be the cause.



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