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vr6 storm auto

How many vr6 storm autos left?

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As my vr6 is nearly back on the road I thourght I would post this to see if anybody knew how many vr6 storm autos were left? and how many are still with the auto box as I know of at least one which has been converted to manual.

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Unfortunately .... how long is a piece of string is about the only answer. Practically impossible to know really.

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well maybe I should have asked how many people on here have one of know of one. I know that they are rare as only 20 were made, mine is a green one and I beleve that there were only about 7 left a few years ago :confused4:

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i was led to believe 45 were made in total..


mine is not a storm but it is an auto...

i know of one other that has been converted to manual..

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mine is not a storm but it is an auto...


And yours is going to stay as an auto for quite a bit longer as you still haven't contacted me to pay for the conversion parts you said you wanted to buy from me, and you've run out of chances to contact me now... :bad-words:

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