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Possibly got the wrong leads

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My dad went to our local vw dealer for me to get some spark plugs for my 1994 Coilpack VR, i gave him all the details about my car but he came home yesterday with a set for the dizzy engine or so i thought.


The set had 6 spark plug leads and a HT lead so i assumed they were for the dizzy engine. I told him what i thought and he went back today and the bloke said these were the only leads on there system for the corrado vr6


Is that right? are the spark plug leads the same on the dizzy and coilpack engine? They look totally different to the ones i have on there now and the tool for fitting/removing them dosen't even fit. If they are the right ones what should i do about fitting them?


picture of them side by side,


old on the left/new on the right




any info would be great, not sure if the bloke in the dealer is trying to palm us off as they were ordered in especially for me

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are there any part numbers or any other codes i give them to let them know what i need, I've looked on ETKA and put in all the numbers that are on the leads now and they dont seem to be on there


this is what i got, the highlighted bit on the right was the set of leads i got



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I'm confused by the ETKA picture. Has both the coilpack and dizzy parts and one common set on leads by the looks of it but the ones on my car our totally different

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Just bought some this week too mate and gave them my chassis number and mine are exactly the same as yours, it looks loke they have revised the design a little and if you look closer you can see the 2 flanges where the tool sits.


Will hopefully be fitting them tomorrow if the elusive sixth pllug arrives :bad-words: :lol:



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Well i fitted mine yesterday along with new plugs and the VR now runs like a thrusting dog again! :clap: :grin:

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