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Ive got quite a few dents on the front of my car i.e Bonnet, both front wings and both doors that Ive been meaning to sort out for a while. Had a guy come out and look and he offered to repair the dents and spray the aforementioned panels including front bumper for £500 which I think sounds reasonable.


He mentioned that the smaller dents in the door (dings) he would fill and smooth, whereas I thought they would be repaired by using some tools behind the doorcard to push them out. He said people like dentmaster would do it that way but likely crack the paint, but a bodyshop would do it his way. Does that sound like an acceptable method of repair or is there any chance of the filler falling out? For the larger dents he said he would pull them out by using pins?


My other question is that, Im tempted to respray the whole car as Im already doing about 2/3rds of it. Its currently Dragon Green and Im tempted to change to Blackberry. Do you think its wise to stick to green as I guess theres a chance you might still see bits of green if painted another colour?


Your opinions will be welcomed.

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im not a bodywork expert but...


id rather have my dents pulled out rather than filled although saying that my dads old mk3 golf had a load of parking dents on one side, found an old skool bodywork guy who filled them. you couldnt tell there was a dent after he finished. The filler didnt sink or fall out either.


As for larger dents ive seen people use a tool that welds a pin to the centre of the dent and then they used a slide hammer to pull it out - quite effective


if you were to change colour i doubt you would see the green through the new paint unless they didnt use primer :)


gets expensive though when you want a colour change


hope this helps

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I've changed the colour on a few of my cars, (i'm a painter to trade) it all depends how extreme you want to take the paintwork,ie engine bay? Normally i keep it to the door and boot checks, but try to keep it the same colour only in a nicer shade so it doesn't look as noticable

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all you need for car park dings is a decent PDR guy (paintless dent removal). have has this done loads of times and there is no way they will crack the paint - he's just after your dollar. never paid more than £40 for a pdr session - once a year i organise a 'group buy' where i work and the guy comes along and works his way around the car park

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The Car needs respraying as it has 2 large dents in the bonnet that have creased and cracked the paint so if I got a PDR guy in it will still need respraying and I dont think he could get them out.


I don't have a problem with the dents being filled as long as it stays there. Good point about the colour change, it would cost quite a bit more to do the engine bay and inside of doors. Considering changing to classic green as I think its pretty similar to Dragon Green.


Ill get a pic up of the dents later.

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small dents are evil to get out as said by the painter he would fill them this is because it takes a matter of minutes instead of hrs hence the low price on the job and keep the colour its one off the nicest colours vw done

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I imagine a total respray in a brand new colour rather than keeping it the same would double or close to treble the cost if you're doing it properly.

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and 500 to repaint bonnet, wings, doors sounds pretty cheap too. £200 per panel is not unusual.

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