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16v tuning (not modification) guide?

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Does anyone have a link to somewhere that tells you how to correctly set up your 16v engine.

Found this - http://members.dslextreme.com/users/vwtuning/vwtuning1.html but it's not for our engines.


I've used the search, and checked out the wiki guide, but that was more a 'buy this, add this, etc' and not an actual - this sensor should be set to this amount and the fuel mixture should be here etc etc.


I know the 16v's are mechanical, but there must be a certain level of tuning you can do at home to get them running sweetly.


Or am I well out of leftfield here and it's not possible to fine tune a 16v.


(mine's a 9a btw)



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you can tweak the fuelling and ignition a bit on the 1.8 but the 2L controls things with the ECU, lambda, pressure regulator etc so there's not much you can do apart from make sure all the sensors are working and the injectors and ignition components are in good nick.

2L have been re-mapped in the past.

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