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G60 boiling up

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Hello folks.


I have a problem with my G60 boiling up.


I have always had a small water leak, I have had to top up the coolant level every month or so, but just about two weeks ago the level was down quite a bit and I put in a pint or so of the blue stuff from Shell.


I was unaware that it had to be G12+ coolant.


Well anyway the car boiled over just shortly afterwards, and still does on a regular basis, it also please itself whether to give out heat from the heater.


Ideally I would like to flush the system out and start a fresh then take it from there, but I am unsure what the script is on doing this.


Could anyone give me a rough guide for beginners ?


Much appreciated



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hello there, sounds like you have a air lock to mee....


do a serch on here the is some very good info on bleeding coolent systems ... get your g12+ from gsf its cheaper too...



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when cold check the coolant level and then tighten the expansion tank cap, take the motor out for a good run (to get it hot) then re tighten the expansion tank cap, it will more about 10 degrees more!! if its still boiling and you've got no airlocks replace the expansion tank cap first, before you try anything else

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Thanks for the replies !


I have just came back late from work, after flushing out and replacing the G12+ / water, and no more boiling up !! checked the level before walking in the door and its hunky dorey !! Nice one.


Just gotta get my bonnet cable clip, and another offside door handle (thats the third, plus one nearside in seven years! VW should have made amends there) then she sadly goes !


This site has been pretty helpful.

Thanks again.

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