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Somebody has hit my car. Where do i stand?

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As i have stated in my members gallery, today somebody hit my car while it was parked and have damaged the wing and door. They have accepted responsability so going to get some quotes tomorrow. I have never had anything like this happen before so really need to know do i have to notify my insurance company although i have spoken to their insurance company and they have said they will fix it. I don't see the need to inform my insurance and put my premiums up but do i legally have to notify them. I really don't want to do something and end up getting it wrong.


Thanks for any advice,



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Inform them. If they've already accepted liability it won't affect you anyway. If nothing else they'll give you legal help should you need it.

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HI. IF it is not your fault, then why not notifying it?


I have been crashed three times and all of them I have notified my insurance. no problem ;)

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i just wasn't sure if it would effect anything. It's nothing dodgy or anything i was just unsure of the procedures. My car was parked outside of the house and nobody was in it. I will call both insurers tomorrow i just didn't want it to effect my policy in any way.

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Yes, from an official viewpoint(!), inform your own insurers. If you've paid for Legal Protection, this is where you will see it benefit. They will ensure all goes well & that you are reimbursed any out of pocket expenses such as hire car, etc.


Your own insurers will advise you on this.


And don't worry, it should be a smooth process.

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if it was a company that hit you get the quoates then go and see them there might pay up without even going through the insurance. i had a modified astra mk1 gte that got hit by a bus company there sent out there body repair bloke told me it was write off asked how much i thought it was worth 3 days later a cheque arrived for the exact amount and i kept the car which was put back on the road for little money :D

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renson, there is no legal reason you need to inform your insurers.


I had something similar, phoned my insurers in knowledge I had legal and no-claims-protection; they simply told me to sort it out my self as it was a no-fault matter on my behalf. Sure enough, all you need to do is communicate with the 3rd party insurers.


However, if you do have protection, and want minimum hassle, then sure tell your insurers and get them to make all the calls.


If you're young, i just wouldnt make the call; that way there is no record of you placing a claim call; you're at zero fault.


As for them, do NOT let them off lightly, and insist it goes through thier insurance, thus giving you some comeback should the paint peel/bubble in months to come. Do not accept cash; its all too easy for a paint shop to blame you for poor care of the paint/body afterwards. You owe this person no favours! However, if it does become a writeoff issue, then I weigh up the risk of taking cash; if the cash is 100 (ie probably what the guy would have to pay in excess) then ask your self if a cheapo 100 job will suffice on a 2,000 value car. Quite probably yes...

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Ok so i have submitted my 2 quotes for the repairs to their insurance company, 1 is for around 1700 and the other about 1200. As the incident was no fault of my own and my car means a great deal to me as it does to many of you, can i insist that the vehicle is repaired to how it was. This is really stressing me out now. Even if they offer me a cash settlement i don't want it. I don't want another corrado i want mine back to how it was. I really don't think that is an unreasonable thing to ask.


I don't see why i should be out of pocket, or without something that means a great deal to me when there is absolutly no doubt that it was the other persons fault. By law can i insist on a repair?


Please, someone must have been in this situation. Help a very unhappy corrado owner :(

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IIRC if its a non-fault claim you are entitled to have your car repaired to its pre-accident condition regardless of the cost(within reason obviously and of course subject to parts availability)

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yep, its law to put you back on the road as per Pre-Accident. Also, you are not obliged to use his choice of garage, but can choose your own; they might push you, but push back.

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Well, the insurance have decided to fix my car so i am really happy now. Just had a phone call from my bodyshop who are awaiting parts then it will be in for repair. I think the best thing i done was send in some before and after pics of the car because the bodywork on my car is/was in pretty good shape before the accident. When i spoke to them first they said i didn't need to send any but i did anyway and the bloke dealing with my claim said that it did look in excellent condition and had reccommended the repair before he sent it on. On a plus side of all this it has spurred me on to have the top end rebuilt i have been promising myself for 2 years :norty:

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