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Speeding ticket yesterday, Parking damage today!

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Someone please remind me why I bought a Corrado in the first place.


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC00910 (Small).JPG[/attachment:38n2s3u1]


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At least the bint that did it left her details. Work has quoted me £650 to put right. Might be the excuse I need to get the wing and bonnet painted.


Either way, It boils my pi$$ people who cant park. I live down a narrow cul-de-sac and people come hurtling down it in reverse!










Sorry just needed to vent.

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sorry to see that Roger :( Glad to hear she left her details though - I'm still furious about the parking damage done to mine a fair while ago and no note left. You still at Porsche?

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Hi Fay, how you doing? Yeah I should be gratefull that she left her details, Its just the hassle of getting it sorted out.


Yeah still at Porsche. Hows tricks with you?

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Blimey Roger!


Well I hope you get it done so it puts the car in a better condition afterwards, especially with the hassle of it all


£650 sounds about right but maybe a bit cheap for an insurance quote - make sure the don't cut any corners with the work!

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That's a bit crap Zippy but at least she came clean and owned up.


I came back to a note saying 'a wickes trolley put a dint in the rear of your car' and have a scratched bumper and two dents in the left rear quarter, one down to the primer :mad2:

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Feel for you mate, hope it all gets sorted quickly. Had a bin lorry hit mine the other week. Nothing but stress but hopefully like me it will get sorted. £650 does seem cheap. Mine was the wing and door, cheapest i got was nearly £1300, just waiting for the bodyshop to book it in.But that does seem very minor compared to the dents in mine

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gutted, but if she's mingged your wing and door, then they'd have to blend into the bonnet anyway; so why not get the whole bonnet done for a sly extra 50 quid or so.


Not sure the C is to blame; any car could've got hit; the C is quite slim in todays standards. And Im sure other cats can get you a ticket or two.


it'd be crop if the old addage is right, that things come in 3's. Personally I dont belive in such gruff. Just bad weeks, lol.

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Sorry to hear that Rog - hope you manage to get it sorted :(

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Hi Fay, how you doing? Yeah I should be gratefull that she left her details, Its just the hassle of getting it sorted out.


Yeah still at Porsche. Hows tricks with you?


I'm ok thanks. I'm finding I'm missing the motor trade though :?


Good luck getting your car sorted, the hassle is such a pita but hopefully you'll be able to get the extra bits done too. It'll be worth it in the end - I always thought your C looked tidy, it will be even more so soon :)

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Hopefully, Tomorrow, The woman agreed to cover the boys at work doing it, and all being well one of the guys is going to do it over the weekend. Ive bunged him a bit extra to respray the bonnet to get rid of stone chips and tidy up a drivers side wing.


All being well she will be better than Ive ever had her.


years MOT, Fresth tyres, just had a service, resprayed blemishes.


Now the dialema, Do I sell her as this might be the best condition she gets to.

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:shock: can't sell now! You should enjoy the results of the effort put in to get getting the car this good! What would you get instead?

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Yeah, Probably cant sell her really, Nowt else has that all round good vibe to drive.


Especially after coming back from the bodyshop to see how they are getting on.


I can't wait to have a clean looking rado again without parking dings and stonechips all over the bonnet! :clap:

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Looks good but I'm a bit miffed why they havn't taken the bumpers or the lights etc off...

Yeh, but I think supercharged is saying a proper job would mean taking more stuff off. For instance, taking the grille out would help do the wing properly, and go to the inner side; therefore avoiding leaving a seam-mark on the front edge of the wing where the paint will stop (if you dont take grille off). At least they've take the mirrors off. Taking the window trim might be ideal, but you might find the old shrunken rubber might not go back as planned.

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