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Doors not closing properly..

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So ever since i got my C, the doors never closed correctly, they close, but you have to slam them with quite some force for them to close properly, otherwise they just half close ya know. so is this just cuz my car is old (90 g60) or do i have to lubricate something on the doors to make them close easier? same with my hatch lock, sometimes the key will turn, sometimes it wont, sometimes it will open, sometimes it wont :mad2:

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Sounds as if the door pins on the rear of the door opening are in need of adjustment. A case of loosening them and then trial and error with a bit of thought. Mark their current position before you start in case you need to return them to the original position. The boot/hatch lock seems to attract all sorts of sh*t so a good clean out with WD40 or suchlike should make an improvement.

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Your doors have probably dropped - you could try shimming the top hinge to bring the back end up a touch, also if the PTFE collars on the door-pins are Fubarred then buy new pins from VW, they're not too expensive.

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