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can you copy keyfob signal?

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bit of an odd one really. i have alarm and immob, factory fitted. still works and no complaints about it.


only problem is that the button you press has pretty much had it. so the question is would it be possible to copy the signal and then program this into a different fob? i dont have any codes for the alarm.


the current fob has only one button, 1st press = unlock 2nd =immob 3rd = lock.


if this is possible who could do it?


cheers jim

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really? thats spot on if they can do it :clap: a job for the week then.



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well been to timpsons and they said it would be possible to do, but they cant do it....car thief's are generally the only people capble of doing it!!


any other ideas? im unfortunately thinking its gunna be a new alarm.

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I'd doubt you'll find anyone who can do it.


Many years ago, alarm remotes sent out a single code by radio frequency.

Thieves used to rig up scanners to pickup, record and replay the codes to get into cars.


Since then (early 90's?) alarms have moved on and are now pretty much all 'rolling code' transmitters meaning the code changes each time it is used & both alarm & remote know the sequence of code changes.


As a result, thieves were thwarted. But since they all now seem to have 'rolling codes' I'd be very surprised if anyone still offered a service to copy a static code - there is just no business there.


If you can still get a new fob you should just be able to get the alarm to accept its code... but you'll still have to get the installers instructions etc.

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yeah mine was registered in 1990 so alarm was probably pre 90, and is static. but no hope of finding anyone to do it.


havn't got the codes for the alarm though so cant register a new fob with it.


i hear good things about a toad alarms for about £100 though

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