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i took my radoo to the garage to get the water pump changed last week but ever since it hasnt been starting like it used to. I was having a nosey about earlyer today and discovered this under the air pipe. should this be filled with oil???



Would this cause the car to start poorly and make the revs drop really slow




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nope it shouldn't have oil in it, but if you have an excessive amount of oil vapour being blown up the crankcase breather system into the airbox it may well collect in there.

It's the overrun cut off valve btw.


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Clean it out with solvent and get a bit of rag in there, round the back and out the same hole, it'll be black as hell!!!


Made a difference to mine - although I only did it because I thought it was the idle stab valve!! :scratch:

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but surly there is a problem if that amount of oil has ot in there in the first place ??


ive got tomorrow off work so hopefully i will get a chance to clean it out along with all the other air pipes in the area, all quite oily :confused4:



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I'd check all of the breather system, from the front of the block up to and including the airbox and filter, if that valve is that bad then I'd expect the air metering flap and air filter to be badly coated in oil too.

It's possible, worst case, that there is some crank case pressure problem forcing the oil out, but all valvers blow some oil up the breather.

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thanks for your advice.


i stripped and cleaned the entire air system this morning. I also cleaned the over run valve and the throttle body while i could get to it. I havent taken the car for a test drive yet but it started perfectly once it was all back together.


I think there was 20 years of carbon on the throttle body, it was covered in it! took ages to clean but its all shiney now :D


Thanks again

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Right, New problem........ I just took the car round the block but now it just refuses to idle, it just keeps cutting out :(


how would i go about getting this sorted? lol



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are you sure all the vacuum pipes and breather pipes are connected up, it will stall if any of these are disconnected or split.

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yeah, user error me thinks... i didnt put the pipe back properly on the over run valve

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yeah, user error me thinks... i didnt put the pipe back properly on the over run valve


Classic :lol: I called out the RAC for this many moons ago :(

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