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URGENT: Removing Scorpion 5000 alarm/immobiliser

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Hi guys,


Trying to start my VR6 after a few months off the road. Battery died and had to get a new one. Now the immobiliser has kicked in and when I connect up the new battery all I get is flashing indicators! I've tried all the reset procedures with no luck!


I used to get this with my old battery and got round it by connecting/disconnecting the + positive battery terminal a few times until they stopped flashing!


Anyway, I now just want to disconnect the crappy alarm and immobiliser. Can I do this myself? If so has anyone got the wiring diagrams?


Help would be much appreciated!




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A silly question about the override key in the alarm module in the engine bay...which way should that be facing? Currently mine is turned so that it faces to the side of the module itself as opposed to the bottom.


Can anyone do a quick check and tell me which way there one is pointing? Booked a half day off work today to give it another try!


Also attached an image - obviously I've got too much time on my hands at work :)





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Ok so in the end I gave up :) and got the car to an auto electrician who is going to rip it out nice and neatly for £70!


Money well spent I say - it's getting too cold to be out all day!



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Noo... you probably didn't need to do that! There is an old 'voodoo' reset procedure which has saved me on more than one occasion after I've had to disconnect the battery - and it really works!


To be fair though it is a crap old unit and probably worth replacing so no big loss!

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Tried the 'voodoo' and a couple of other ones with no luck...must have spent ages (at work :D ) on Google searching for reset procedures!


Yep alarm has annoyed me in the past. Especially the first time my battery died and got it jumped. Drove off happily but then she stalled in the middle of a junction and when I took the key out the alarm went off! :epicfail:

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