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help fitting G60 intercooler

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I have just got my hands on a replacement intercooler for my G60. I will be fitting it on the weekend, but this is the first bit of DIY I'll be doing on the car & was hoping someone could give me an idea as to the order in which to dismantle bits to get to the intercooler.


e.g. is it best done from underneath the car? or can I reach it from the engine bay??

Ideally I want to take all the hoses apart and put them back together as the guy that originally put the engine back in after a rebuild was somewhat less than competent & I suspect that in addtion to having a leaky intercooler, the hoses are leaking at the joints somewhere.



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Ah! you should have said to me that you needed instructions when I sold it to you! :wink: I'll dig out the instructions that I used to get it off originally and post 'em up tonight... 8) All of the info I used is on here somewhere, but I collated it all together to make a reasonable guide to how to do it. 8)


It's not mega difficult and should be able to be done by a semi-competent mechanic in well under 2 hours... 8)

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If you have access to a pressure washer, it is a good idea to rince the intercooler out with a degreaser such as 'Gunk and blast it out with pressure washer, if the unit is 2nd hand. The amount of crap that builds up in what appears to be a clean core is amazing. Plus you may not know the history if it, i.e may have come off a car with blown G and full of a chargers ashes.

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If you have access to a pressure washer, it is a good idea to rince the intercooler out with a degreaser such as 'Gunk and blast it out with pressure washer, if the unit is 2nd hand. The amount of crap that builds up in what appears to be a clean core is amazing. Plus you may not know the history if it, i.e may have come off a car with blown G and full of a chargers ashes.


It's already been done less than 300 miles ago! :wink: (it's my old I/C!)


I've got the fitting guide here, and I'll post it up in a few mins once the queue of people outside my office sod off! :lol:

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OK, a little later than planned, but here we go... :wink: :oops:


Open the bonnet and undo the pipe from the throttle which comes from the I/C

Undo the pipe that comes from the charger going to the I/C

Undo the screw that holds the 2 pipes together

Jack up the front of the car

Undo the inner wheel arch liner screws around the front of BOTH wheel archs, you don't need to remove the liners completely, just loosen the front of 'em...

Under the front of the car, there's 2 subframe mounting points, one either side. There's 3 bolts on these points, 2 big ones and a small one in the middle. NEVER UNDO THE MIDDLE ONES!!! You need to remove the 2 larger bolts on both sides. The front bumper will then move if you pull it, BUT DON'T YET!

Undo the 2 pipes onto the I/C and then remove them up through the engine bay.

Slide the bumper forwards CAREFULLY, you aren't removing it completely, just enough to get at the top mounting bolt on the I/C, it only needs to move about an inch or two... you will have to hook the bumper around the arch liners to move it forwards.

There's then 2 bolts at the bottom of the I/C and then one hidden one up at the top of it. Undo these and the cooler will come out. (may need a tug!)


Refitting is the reverse...


This should take about an hour all in, but take it easy, and be careful when pulling the bumper forwards as it's easy to pull it too far and drop it on the floor ( :oops: :lol: )


Hope this helps and all goes well... 8)


Good luck! 8)

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