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All this on a 1992 G60


I am having some problems with my heaters. I have done a search and followed some advice but its not really solved it.


Basically they warm up ok and then gets rubbish. It used to be painfully hot but now its medium hot at best. It also changes temp on different speeds. 1 it stays hot, 2, medium heat, 3 luke warm and on 4 it really starts to cool down.


Right, I do have a small coolant leak on the right side of the head but nothing dramatic. I have run the car up to temp and the fan kicks in and the stat opens. This all seems to be fine. The car up to temp seems to be around 100 so this is normal.


I have got myself a new expansion cap (blue top) and that didn't fix it.


I have the correct amount of coolant in the car and i can feel the pipe to the matriix is red hot but the return is only ever hot but not red hot.


I gave the whole system a squeeze while warming up hoping to get all the air out and that seemed to help for about a day and then it went back to being rubbish.


The water pump is only 12 months old so I think that's OK. Although there doesn't seem to be much water running back into the expansion tank from the pipe above the radiator, what the flow meant to be like?


I don't have a damp foot well and the car doesn't smell of coolant. It mists up a bit but soon clears up when i turn the blower on the screen.


Is my matrix blocked?


How much affect does a coolant leak have on the temp? I have to top up every 2 months.


Any idea's would be helpful.





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Thought i would update you all....


Success :clap: :clap: :clap:


Right i disconnected the 2 pipes coming from the heater matrix. Then i poured a strong mix of soda crystals and water down the inlet pipe. Ran about 1 litre through the pipe.


I then connected my garden hose up to the return and secured it with a juberliee clip. Then ran water through for about 5 mins at full pressure.


Then connected it all back up and filled the water up and added coolant. I squeezed the matrix pipes with the expansion cap off until the stat opened. Then topped up and put the expansion cap on.


I now have roast your eyebrows style heat from my heater :)


Now just have to sort the window motor that broke when it was an inch from top. :( MY CAR HATES ME



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