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Concept 50 is killing my fuel

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Hi bought a beauty Corrado VR6 on Friday but the crap alarm/imobilizer is killing my enjoyment, whats happening is the imobilzer is cutting my fuel off either whilst driving it or it wont start at all, after talking to Ken today i need to chase a red and yellow wire find where its been cut and the black wires joined and reconnect the original wire, trouble is i can't find the join i've taken the trim out to get to the fuse box, dropped the box out to no avail, lifted the trim to the side of the drivers door only to find a black wire taped to a green and black wire, also found the glass sensor and a flat slim box hiding, the alarm is old think its a concept 50, i've looked for the pilot switch to overide it but i don't think it ever had one, has anyone had this trouble please help im gutted i can't sort this out on my own,has anyone got any pictures to help? cheers

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You may be better taling it to a Clifford dealer, who will have access to wiring diagrams etc. I know it's an old model - I had one fitted over 13 years ago - but all Clifford's dealers have access to factory info.


Might cost you a few quid, but they s/be able to fix it for you.

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