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Mcr VR6

Where do you pay to keep your C and how much?

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I work for the council and have six garages :lol: all free as there for work related materials.....


Two do have work bits in them, the rest have other bits that i use, one has my MK2 GTI in there and the spare is for the 'rado when I'm doing some work on it.


I would consider the big yellow storage places or the likes, somewhere that is dry and not damp and moist almost all the time, maybe if i sort out uni/forces this year then i'll get the 'rado in there.


you council workers make me sick! :p Got the nerve to tell some one else to go get an expensive "big yellow" storage container hardly big enough to swing a cat in when your using council tax payers money to store your blummin Golf? :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:



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I work for the council and have six garages...


you council workers :nono: :nono: :nono:

FOR SHAME![/quote:20us5kov]


Haha, nice Alex, your rage is noted!


Lets not brow beat all council workers tho, they don't all have 6 garages. Or do they?!! :scratch:

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I work for the council and have six garages...


you council workers :nono: :nono: :nono:

FOR SHAME![/quote:3riive6x]


Haha, nice Alex, your rage is noted!


Lets not brow beat all council workers tho, they don't all have 6 garages. Or do they?!! :scratch:[/quote:3riive6x]


if they ain't using garages they're nicking the wood out off them! Or the tools, or white goods or equipment or driving around in vans with no where to go... And when you do catch them working they all have a van EACH... 10 vans on one small street to replace a broken fence or something :bonk:

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