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Key barrel came clean out...wtf!

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Went to get into my Corrado... turned the key and it felt loose, looked closer and it came right out the friggin' door!!


Any ideas as to what has sheered off!? Any usual suspects?


Help please!






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should just be the e-clip or circlip on the back, get the door card off and should all be inside the door.

mine has done this a few times and eventually put a decent circlip on and it stayed :)


will need to wind the spring back on and a little cast piece and job's a goodun

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Sorry for the stupid question :gag: , is there a certain way to put the barrel back??


Also what size clip do I need? Also this all depends on if my door will open from the inside, which it wont atm but my battery is Fooked!


Many thanks again! :clap:



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its either a 6 or an 8, cant remember of the top of my head.

if you have an extendable magnet. you can wave that about in the door and find all the bits that came off. i even got the clip back.

if you check this thread you can see it


there is another thread somewhere with better pics and how to assemble. if not just whip your other handle out and rinse and repeat. :)

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Thats fantastic, thankyou willy!


Even seems simple enough for me too do.


Would make sense with the circlip falling off as thats all that holds the bugger on.



TeZ :wave: :wave:

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