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Anyone thinking of going the ph sunday service?

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to be fair, if i was more of a PH devotee than I am a CF one then i'd probably feel the same.


lets be honest, none of us own corrados because we like having the same car as a hundred thousand other people. i would say apart from the handling reputation, the rarity of the corrado is the reason most people have one.


I have no more interest in looking at hundreds of golfs than anyone in that thread. as many of each style as there are corrados perhaps (so maybe 50 tops) but obviously thats not going to happen. so i think some of its a bit overblown but i can still see their point about too many newcomers. :shrug:

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haha just gave that thread a little read what did they expect its at vw HQ

the thing that gets me is that they think where all 17 with chaved up golfs :cuckoo: and are just guna turn up coarse loads of trouble and go home

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well the thing is that there probably will be a fair few of them! at least there was a bit of love for the corrados and sciroccos in it though :)

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i have to admitt i didnt read all the thread as there was 11 pages :shock: of moaning :sleeping:

but yeah there probs will be but from what some people where sayin it seems like there members are the ones doin donuts and shit

i got my name down before i saw that thread and ive been a member for like 2 years never post on there tho but after reading that im not sure if im guna go as i carnt be arsed to be looked at like a freak haha

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I agree; I saw it on pistonheads and thought it would be good but I think I'll just stick to the Corrado events as I know the people turning up all have a genuine interest and so far I have enjoyed meeting fellow Corrado owners; you are a good bunch

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Would like to passenger with someone, but seems, reading these lines and on the PH forum, that I and so many others won´t be welcome anyway, so bother that.


Best stick to the pure Rado events 8) Like seeks like anyway :lol:



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I have just read much of the thread on PH and it has certainly been enough to put me off.


I thought PH was for everyone who has a love of cars - it seems not.


Judging a book by its cover - is what's going on here.


Or was it wallet size ?

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Well I am still going stuff what they are saying! I still know my car is much better and rarer then some of the mx5's and fords that are going 8)

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Its just a few people having a bitch about things. These things always happen when theres a crowd. Just ignore it, come along on the day and enjoy yourself. For the past few years I have been on PH most days and sold cars on the site too, but joining this sunday service is the first thing I have posted on there, so that makes me a newbie.

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remember that the most vocal arent always the majority..


and as said, my impression is they are against cheap chavved up mk3s anyway (as well as obviously those with no interest in PH). if you look at what will be on display at VW on the day then people aren't necessarily complain about seeing the similar higher end models of VW's past line ups.

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If it still goes ahead, I'll still go as I've put a post in the moaning forum and got a good response (daimatt). I've been a member of PH for 64 months and posted under 40 times and would like to prove to them that the VW people aren't all the same. Hope to see and meet a few of you there :D

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Elitism, bigotry or whatever you wish to call it has won.




Have they spat their dummys out - if only PH members cant just attend, no one can attend.

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Elitism, bigotry or whatever you wish to call it has won.




Have they spat their dummys out - if only PH members cant just attend, no one can attend.[/quote:1q62xb4l]


Yep, there's 24 pages worth of it now :lol:

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I might suggest the next SS meet is organised for the Carlsberg Brewery in Northampton,

a) it's even nearer to me

b) they could hone their organisational skills :lol:


for all we know the TVR clique are probably still going, just telling everyone it's been cancelled, that's how they seem to view everyone else anyway :roll:

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Well the thing is that they were all bitching about regular PH forum members not being able to attend, but in 24 pages of posts I didn't see one person complain that they didn't get a place :cuckoo:

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To be fair it wasn't just the snobbery element here. They'd been told that a large number of VW forums had members (who were not even PH members) who were fully intending on just showing up having not put their name down or anything, as there was no way for PistonHeads to regulate who had signed up legitimately and who had not. This was going to make the event completely unmanageable and I can understand why longstanding members would be upset at this.


The event has only been postponed and will be re-run when they have a suitable system for people to sign up to the Sunday Service events!

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its a shame really, like people were mentioning in that thread, many people use PH as a site but arent necessarily massive post whores on there. I like the site, the news and the events but the only times i seem to have been drawn to posting there are to put responses back to some ludicrous opinion that someone has expressed on the forums/comments.


whether their management like it or not (and i'm genuinely not sure either way) the impression the PH forums often gives is that they are populated with people who are either pretty rich (40k+ car budget), often past 30 & fairly elitist, or both. given its TVR-focussed origins thats not exactly surprising but I still haven't felt the urge to join in much because of it. saying that as someone over 30, on a vw forum that compared with others is sometimes seen as elitist too kind of reinforces that i think!


again, its a shame though as every mention of the corrado in that thread was greeted warmly and i was almost going to suggest to eric that we contact them to see if we can gather a few cars together to go along. they'd have to then do that with some of the other clubs too though then and the same situation would result.


we'll see what comes of the rearrangement though..

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