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Weird tyre wear + Whirring noise

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Have been gettin a whirring noise and Knocking sound from front end and was having a good luck today and came across this on the inside of passenger front tyre :





I'm pretty sure my top mounts are fecked as when the car is jacked up, if i grab the wheel at the top n bottom and rock it the whole strut assembly moves up and down and clonks, plus if turnin the steering there's a creaking comin form the top mounts, would this cause the inside of the tyre like this??


And the other problem i'm tryin to figure out is that there is a whirring noise comin from the bay when driving, its drive related as it increase's,decrease's with vehicle speed not engine revs, thought bearings but have checked em and they seem all good plus passenger side was replace with new hub as well in june. Thought could be back ones, were a little worn, replaced them as i had some new ones lying around anyway and no difference in noise, so starting to think gearbox, did the replace the box oil a few weeks ago, put in synthetic 75w 85 as had couple of bottles already, know it should be 75w 90 but would this have made much difference and cause the box to be noiseier/wear quickly?? :help:




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thats what i thought at 1st, but can't really see what its rubbin on unless because the top mounts are fecked it rubbin on somethin wehen its on lock and weighted, but will have another look and see if i can see something

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Jeezus... if the strut is slopping around in the arch, I'd not want to drive the car another yard until I'd got it checked out! Sounds like top mounts may well be utterly shagged - as a result your wheel camber, etc will probably be a mile out causing the uneven wear and could have also cause wheel bearing issues possibly.


Get it checked out ASAP! New top mounts aren't bank bustingly expensive and the labour to do them won't be extortionate!

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Jim i'm gonna be fitting new top mounts at weekend just waitin for payday, absolutely skint at the mo, i just found it strange the way the tyre as worn, if camber was causing it i would have thought it would have worn the very edge of the tyre as well but i more i think about it, i spose it could have, was just tryin to see if anyone had any other ideas or could confirm it

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There will be some play when it's jacked up as that's the way VW top mounts work but it shouldn't be that bad and clonk.


Tyre deffo looks like it's been rubbing and should probably be changed - I would take it to somewhere like Kwik-Fit when you can just for a free diagnosis

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cheers supercharged, thought there should be a little movement but wasn't sure but mine are definately moving too much, Will sort them at the weekend and get some new tyres, will get them off me mate as he does me a good deal, and get him to do full geometry check when i've done the mounts




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Good stuff. You should see a marked improvement in handling with that sorted.. hehe..

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I've had the same thing, on two diff cars before chap, if the noise is a kinda droaning sound then (i had it between 25-35mph) then new tyres will solve it :)


If you dont want to pay out for new tyres just yet, and the rears are good then change them over to see if it stops.

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is it fixed yet?


The tyres look very odd from here; but at closer glance you've taken them off the rims right? Therefore presume the depression line goes when the tyre is pumped up on the rim? (if not, then its defo' rubbing) And therefore it could just be uneven tyre wear - cause by toe or camber; both of which can come from that top mount being ultra sloppy.

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Nah not fixed yet, bloody muppetts ordered me the wrong top mount kits :brickwall: Should have the right ones this weekend


Tyres aren't off the rim, still on there at and the mo, does look like there's no rim in the pic tho :lol: Pretty sure now that its cause by the top mounts,


Have found out what the droning noise is aswell..............its the gearbox, had it up in the air and ran it and 1st n 2nd are ok but in 3rd/4th/5th the dronin noise begins, so think probably a bearing has gone in there somewhere....tryin to source another box at the moment and get it swapped over as need car on a daily basis.....thinkin i might rebuild my box and drop a 3.68FD,LSD in tho :D

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