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lyndsey walsh

brakes still engaged when handbrake is off

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Hello, i recently had to change my car battery and when i came to start it last night the brakes were still engaged even though the handbrake was off, there was also a really bad smell of something burning and loud noises coming from the back wheels. the car has been parked up for the last month in the cold weather and i'm not sure if this is anything to do with the problem. i dont know much about cars so any suggestions on what the problem could be would be very helpful. thanks

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Hi Lydnsey,


I gather when the bad smell and burning occurred you were driving down the road? It sounds like they're siezed on (pads held against the discs) - happened to me when we had the snow. Does the handbrake feel loose?


But if they're still siezed on despite the weather warming up a tad you may need them stripping and putting back together.


Not sure about the battery part cos the rear breaks have nothing to do electrically.

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yes the bad smell came when driving and the handbrake does feel loose - thanks a lot for the advice, i will try it again during teh day when its a bit warmer and if it still doesnt go at least i have an idea of what the problem is. thanks a lot!

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  lyndsey walsh said:
yes the bad smell came when driving and the handbrake does feel loose - thanks a lot for the advice, i will try it again during teh day when its a bit warmer and if it still doesnt go at least i have an idea of what the problem is. thanks a lot!



No worries. Could tip some hot water over the calipers and then take it for a drive. Infact my problem was more water had go into the tubes the handbrake cables run through under the car and frozen the cables in place. It could also be that. Either way it should release itself.


Once released, i had to engage and disengage the handbrake a few times to get it to re-adjust.

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unfortunately the rear calipers on corrados are a particularly $hit design.


it could be your handbrake cables have seized, so try giving them some attention first as that's a quick and easy (and cheap!) fix. more likely though is that the pads have seized on the carriers as is common with corrados.

depending on how long you've had the car anyway, it certainly wouldn't hurt to give them a strip down and clean.


depending on how fooked the pads have got from driving with them seized on you may also need new pads and possibly even discs depending on the severity of things (though discs is less likely unless they're old and fooked anyway). if you're doing rear discs, then for the price of it you may as well do the rear bearings at the same time too.

pads is personal choice and obviously depends on how hard you drive the car. if you're an "average" driver and don't constantly give it the beans then a standard set of pads should do for you. see your local VW dealer for the pads and defo for all the other items.


depending on where in the country you are, i can also recommend DG Autotech if you're in need of a garage to do it all for you.

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I've got a simalar problem on my C


I think it is the handbrake mechanisms on the back of the calipers not releasing propperly, which is casuing the brakes to stay on slightly.


Kind of ironic realy as my hand brake is crap :lol:




I'm off to DG autoteck tomoro morning to change the whole rear brake assebaly 8)

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I have a problem with one of my rear brakes just when it goes below zero the cable freezes and sticks on there is a boot on the cabke that splits and moisture gets in i've had this problem from I got my corrado 2 years ago but I just leave it in gear. The other thing it could be is the cable could be frayed and catching I had that years ago on an old Astra.

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