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more sunroof woes

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I recently did the old slide back the headlining bit as per previous posts to try and locate and sort the now familiar sunroof rattle. After fitting some foam to rear edge I pushed the trim back and it all clicked into place ok but when I went to operate the sunroof the tilt bit works ok but it will not now slide and just delivers a clunk as though it’s jammed (it was working ok a week ago). I have done some thing wrong in the above process or am I just unlucky and the slide action is broken as per many other users?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts (and hopefully a remedy!)

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Further to the above - today I took the interior light unit off and used the manual crank to see what would happen and it is exactly the same ie I can manually tilt OK but once again when trying to slide it just moves the panel below the level of the roof and then nothing it feels as though it is jammed.

So can anyone give me an idea of what has gone wrong?

Thanks again

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