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Ignition switch change

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So I started this 4 hours ago. Spent 2 of them trying to locate the screw to no avail. Then saw red and pulled the visible half of the switch off. This then revealed the screw...




I tried with ever possible screwdriver I could find and bend and saw red again, hammered a screwdriver through the plastic and pulled out the bottom half of the switch. I now have this...




The only way to get to the screw without taking apart all that is around it is this right here. The angle is tight against the black shaft and the screw seems to be in pretty tight.


Anyone got any ideas how to remove the scre as I'm kinda tired of breaking screwdrivers trying to get this :censored: out.


Will the switch stay in place without it? I'm thinking just break off the plastic tab for the screw off of the new switch and just plug it in??


Please help as at the moment I wanna take my sledgehammer to the whole :censored: thing

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Just did mine yesterday, absolute bitch of a job.

Managed it in the end by taking off the steering wheel and using a small thin flat blade screwdriver.

One chap with his head in the footwell feeding it through the ridulously small gap, and someone else sitting in the seat using another flat blade to push the end of the screwdriver acroos to get it into the slot from above. Once in its only finger tight so no biggie

The secret is definately 2 people, a thin handled screwdriver and lots of patience. I nearly took a sledgehammer to the car yesterdya, Ive got to admit :shock:

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As far as I can see this is the only access to the screw. Unlike some other pics I've seen, there is no hole in the below or above housing... the screw is completely sealed off until you remove the top half of the switch.

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No, theres no hole just a small gap between the ignition and the main steering coloumn, you fit the screwdriver between the gap behind the switch and wedge it from above, hence 2 people

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I couldn't work out how to get the top steering cowl off and after much frustration already I decided it was best not to force it, deep breathe and walk away! haha


On my return I managed to get the screw out from underneath (it really is all about the angle but its so precise its unreal!!). However, this then came out, dropped, and slid down between the shaft and its outer casing. Nice. I put the new switch in which then covered the access to the screw hole but it clicked in sturdy enough so I've just left it at that and put all back together.

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Use a cable tie to hold it in place instead of the bastard screw ;) Can be done from above easy enough- easier if you move the column down to it's lowest position, remove all the cowling + steering wheel. Only took me 25 mins last time, from the top. Will take even less next time (if it ever needs doing again), cos there's no screw now :)

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Use a cable tie to hold it in place instead of the bastard screw ;) Can be done from above easy enough- easier if you move the column down to it's lowest position, remove all the cowling + steering wheel. Only took me 25 mins last time, from the top. Will take even less next time (if it ever needs doing again), cos there's no screw now :)
Don't believe my column is adjustable? How do I get the top cowling off? Cheers

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Don't believe my column is adjustable? How do I get the top cowling off? Cheers


there's a handle on the left hand side of the steering colum.... you just pull it down and then you can twist the steering coulumb up and down. I think the top cowling comes loose when you remove the lower one. however! when i did it my steering cover cowling was all broken so im not actualy to sure! :lol:


That was to fix the MFA switch as well... Although i have got a new ignition switch for the car... I'm not looking forward to fitting it now :pale:

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Yeh, undo the bottom cowling (3 screws?) + the column adjuster (undo the nut to remove the handle). Then they just clip apart.

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i did get the steering cowl off today. all you have to do is remove the whole top first. you also need to release the two small clips behind the steering. the suspension and the steering is just like a miniature vehicle right down to the rack and absorber. thanks also for the other suggestions.


ignition switch | auto parts | ~tammy beede~

operates a solenoid that closes a circuit to operate the starter

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