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Police ticket not signed,what to do ? Advice Ta!

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Well today our overstretched police force managed to find time to pull me for not putting my belt on as i set off.


On the back of the ticket it says signature of officer but the guy didnt sign it.

Does this matter? Can i now wriggle out of paying for it ? 8)



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Admit you made a mistake and pay the damn thing. I never understood not wearing a seatbelt when driving anyway.


My 2p.

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Your kidding? mate had the shit kicked out of him and the police werent interested. But if you go 10 yards down the road before slipping on your belt their on you like flies to shit. They coulnt give a toss if your hurt by not wearing a belt,but just want your cash right?

Thanks for your help though,much appreciated.

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logic says if it isnt signed its not valid, but you never know with coppers. if they twig on to it they will only try and shaft you with something else

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It sucks that your mate got no justice, but that doesn't change the fact that you got caught breaking the law.


More power to you if you manage to win against 'the system' and all that but, I have to say, I agree with Jim. I imagine few people here are whiter than white and many have had our fair share of police attention in the past. Getting nicked for something you haven't done is one thing, but admitting to breaking the law then looking for support in trying to justify it is a bit lame.

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