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I've been hit :o( Advice please! (update on p3...)

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Fiiiiiiinally got the car back this morning, had to put it on my own insurance and cough up the large excess, hoping to claim this back through court proceedings but probably shouldn't be too hopeful on that.


Had some other rusty bits sorted out while it was in the body shop, looks extremely tidy now!




Great to have it back, I've missed it so much! Couldn't resist giving it a bit of VR6-noise on the way to work this morning, and very nice it was too. Now to get used to driving it again - taking it to Curborough next wednesday to give it a sound thrashing!





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Gutting that you had to pay for it mate. :(


I hope you still keep your no claims after it all goes through!


Car looks great though now so every cloud and all that maybe...

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Currently in the same boat.


21 year old girl reversed into my Golf trying to do a reverse-turn into work. Even though I was stationary at the junction at the point of impact she's trying to say it's 50/50. I even have a witness to say she hit me, what the hell are these people smoking?


It's probably got something to do with the fact that during her crocodile tears after she hit me she mentioned had only just paid an excess to settle a previous claim on her policy and how she would probably be uninsurable with a second claim and a CU80 on her license. :ignore:


Got security camera footage but doesn't show the full accident. Hopefully enough to show it's her fault though.

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Sorry to hear that - at least you have a witness though!


I'm starting to think that having a couple of cameras on board recording to RAM, and a big button you can push that stores the last 2 minutes' video when something interesting happens would be good insurance for such events.


Basic position of any insurance company (and most people on the street it seems) is to lie and cheat however necessary to save themselves any responsibility, all the while feathering the nests of the solicitors that do all the arguing.


Good luck sorting your claim out!



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'lo doodz!


Thought I'd drag this thread up to let you know that this morning I won my court case against the scrote that dented my beloved Dub! Very unpleasant process and it's taken nine months to get to this point but it's now officially down as 100% his liability and I get my excess back. Thank b******s for that!


I shall celebrate this evening by changing my oil and filter :o)


All the best!



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Woohoo nice one. I once had to take a cyclist to the small claims court after she dented my car and later tried to blame me (I was parked and obviously stationary at the time!). She settled a few days before the court date.


Glad you got the right result :)

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