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Decisions decisions....

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I'm in a bit if a quandry here folks, I parked the C up last May after being hit with a huge bill in December when the rear engine mount failed, dropped the engine and destroyed the CV coupling and a bunch of other stuff. Then last May I got an electrical fault that drained the battery every few days, followed by a fuel leak and finally an ABS fault that kept the pump on continually, making it undriveable. I'd had enough and didn't need the car to get to work so I locked it up and decided to try and put some emotional distance between me and it.


A year later and I've just been made redundant and am going to try and make a go of gigging for a living so I need to get something to cart my P.A. and guitars around, looking at a Passat or A4 avant. First things first though I need to sell the Corrado to fund a new car. I limped the car to my local VW specialist, gave them a list of the known faults and asked them to tell me what else needed doing. I've just had a call to tell me that it needs bushes all round, it's got a broken drop link and Split CV gator, they can't diagnose the ABS fault so they think it needs a new ABS unit and they can't diagnose the electrical fault until the ABS is sorted. Total cost including servicing would be around £3K, he said this would obviously be halved if I source a cheap ABS unit but to be honest 15/16 hundred quid is still a lot more that I want to spend on it. I knew that parking it up at the time wasn't the best thing to do but I didn't have the funds and it seemed to be my only option at the time.

I was prepared to throw my vast £700 redundancy payout at it to put it right and I was a bit worried that it if I drove it for a few weeks that I wouldn't want to part with it, doesn't seem like a such a problem now.

I guess I want to field a few opinions from people here in the know regarding my options. I think the garage are being a bit vague about the ABS?



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hmmm sounds like, i dare not say it but you could break it and sell it for spares . But if you could borrow an ABS unit of someone or get one out of a scrappy just to see if you can find out swapping it might cure your abs faults but then all your bushing still need done.hmm depends on what you want to spend if anything at all or just keep it on the cheap, keeping it on the cheap would be doing alot of the work yourself. Its alot of money on the ABS unit and it might not cure it.

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Thanks for the replies folks, I've owned this car for 8 years, it's been my dream car since I was 16 yrs old, I don't wanna part with her let alone break her!


A few friends have given me numbers of mechanics who might be able to help me out. I'm gonna get a price break down from the garage and take it to couple of others for second opinions, I'd like somebody to actually have a go at fixing it instead of just wanting to replace the part, like a mechanic instead of a part fitter.


Ideally I'd keep her and get a shed to cart gear around for gigs, but it needs to be something reliable (and preferably VAG), unfortunately shed and reliable don't really go together.


I'll def keep an eye on ebay for the ABS stuff. Does anyone know if a faulty sensor could spaz the pump into thinking it needed to be on all the time?


I'll update this post when I've got some more info.


Thanks again, it's a bit of a dark period in C ownership and one can always rely on the forum.


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Only true way of telling whats up with the ABS is to get it hooked up to vagcom a vw specialist should have vagcom

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Yeah, I ran VAGcom last year and it flagged up a sensor fault, which is why I wondered if that could send an errant signal to the pump.

I'm going to the garage later and get them to do a breakdown of the costings.

Probably going to bring the car home, see if I can do any of the work, brakes, replace ABS sensor that sort of thing. And then get some other quotes for the drivetrain related stuff.

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Yeah, I ran VAGcom last year and it flagged up a sensor fault, which is why I wondered if that could send an errant signal to the pump.

I'm going to the garage later and get them to do a breakdown of the costings.

Probably going to bring the car home, see if I can do any of the work, brakes, replace ABS sensor that sort of thing. And then get some other quotes for the drivetrain related stuff.



The pumps are supposed to be quite robust, i would put my money on it being a wheel sensor.

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I've got to get her fixed before I can contemplate getting rid, it's either run 2 cars or I put a tow bar on the C....

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