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help my moonroof has started leaking!

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got in my car this morning and drove it round the corner and got soaked through! For some reason my moonroof has started collecting water on the inside gutter. Any ideas? With all this rain i don't want to get too wet! Thanks

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sounds to me like your drains are blocked... there's a rubber/plastic pipe in each corner of the roof mechanism which run down the A and C pillars... if these get squished or blocked at the bottom ends, then any water collected on the water guides around the edge of the mechanism has nowhere to go, so leaks into the car...


*EDIT* Ah, someone's suggested blocked drains... have you had the roof lining out to check that the pipes aren't squished?

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I haven't had the linning out but did have the pipes blasted out. I'll try and get to my friends body shop later and flush them through again see if that helps. I just had a bad feeling my roof had gone just to add to a list of every growing stuff I need to replace!

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nah, the roof itself isn't designed to seal, hence the water guide plates down the sides... the seal around the panel is just to keep wind noise down when it's closed... If it's leaking, it's either a blocked, kinked or badly fitted drain tube... (or the guide plates are full of leaf crud which is stopping the water draining?)

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