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g60 whats wrong with it

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really getin pised at this c just want to flog it!

ok it started 2 weeks ago when i had a coolent leek, got that fixed after a week then they tell me it overheated so much it needs the head gasket done because it has no pressure??

i have been driving it about the problem is when i put my foot down it studders really bad, i have to do it slowy but it still studders the c doen't smoke at all its really anoying!!

whats the f$%k wrong with it please some 1 help :cry:

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well head gasket going from lack of coolant is one of the main causes for them to go.


wouldnt really be driving the car around if i had been told this needed replacing.


also could be the reason behind the juddering, if youre burning what youre not supposed to be then its not going to run right.


worth checking your ht leads/spark plugs are seated correctly if they have compression tested it.

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mabe it is then but what sort of price is a new head gasket plus labour? they told me about £700!

would it be cheaper to buy a recon head and get it fitted?

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mabe it is then but what sort of price is a new head gasket plus labour? they told me about £700!

would it be cheaper to buy a recon head and get it fitted?


they are talking shite. parts cost about 80 quid for the gasket set, getting the head skimmed is about 30, compression test about 50, so you're talking about 550 quids worth of labour!

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that is on the steep side but you do pay more for labour when is gone because they have to clean all the crap out.


wouldnt cost anywhere close to that if you were just replacing as a precaution.


up to you really but you can buy a g60 lump without charger happily for under £500. depends if your happy to remove and refit yourself though as to whether it will save you any money though.

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