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What door handles?

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I need to fix the drivers side door hande as a vital part of the lock is knackered, so door won't open, if I'm gonna replace the lock I may as well replace both handles to something gucci, what Porsche handles look good and how do I fit them? Cheers


opinions welcome :)

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They look lovely, I don't really want to start fiddling with the body work though what handled look good and go straight on with minimal modification? Cheers

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right, ive been thinking long and hard, and in the near future i intend to respray the car(not myself) in its original colour (pearl grey) so i may aswell get some a3 handles, but how do you fit them? is there a how to somewhere?



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If you have to ask .... you're going to need the bodyshop to do it for you I'm afraid.


There's no straight swaps apart from Passat handles which aren't really any better apart from being able to get de-locked ones. So the only other option is body mods to graft in something like the A3 handles.

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To make the lock mech work for a3 handles you just bend a decent bit of metal wire, I fitted Audi 100 handles to my last mk2, measureing cutting and weldin, was time consuing but pretty easy, filling sanding and painting ain't my cuppa tea tho, bodyshop would make short work of this, a3 handles do look mint on rados, I'm gunna weld myself a set o some earlier Audi handles in soon seen as the previous owner smoothed the passnger handle, and corrado door handles are easy for theives to get past

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