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Any VR6/Fan/Cooling experts in London area?

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Ok I've just about had enought trying to fix my VR6 fan!! :mad2:


Took the fan controller unit off over the weekend, and was hoping that when I opened it up there would be something obvious blown inside that I could fix.....but unfortunately its way too complex for me and my £10 soldering iron, and I can't even identify what (if anything) is wrong with it.


All I know is my 5amp fuse keeps blowing...... when I try bridign contacts in the yellow temp sender/blue teep sender/black temp sender I get noting but strange "clicking" noises coming from the fan control unit.


I've read the "definitive cooling guide" and am getting absolutely nowhere. Have had the thermostat out to check its opening ok and that seems to be opening fine when I dip it in boiling water so know thats ok......but don't know if the temp senders and/or the fan controll unit or the cabling is buggered.


Before I started tinkering, the stage 3 emergency fan was working ok.....now the fan doesn't come on at all, and so I can't even drive the thing at the moment! :(


Have I missed anything obvious?

Any reason why the 5amp fuse keeps blowing?

Whats the difference between the 5amp fuse and the 20amp fuse? Is it that one controls 'stage 1' and one controls 'stage 2'? and if so, which is which?


Any suggestions most welcome! :D


Also, if there's any auto electric experts on this forum in the london area who I could pay to sort this out for me?


If not will have to get her to a garage this week.

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