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supercharger belt

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how the hell does this come off I have had the power steering pump virtually off to remove the other belt at the bottom

before i can remove the charger belt


but im finding it hard refitting the new one do i need to slacken the alternator off to get it round the last pulley

and some how lever it to get it tight again



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i dont know how well i can explain this after a gallon of cider but here goes..


to undo:

undo 13mm bolt for supercharger tensioner. push tensioner off with hand/spanner.


to put back on:

put belt back on relevant pullies. tensioner will now be about 1 inch too high to go back on.

put the middle of the biggest spanner you have against the top of the tensioner and push down hard, lining up with thread.

push the tensioner back onto the thread and do up nut.


real easy to do, takes seconds when you know how..

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cheers bud i was doing that to start with ended up not getting it dead centre on the bush and snapped the bolt

thought they might of been a better way



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