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High fuel pressure >10bar!!!

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had the fuel pressure checked while I had my valver in the garage yesterday and the mechanic said it read over 10 bar (his gauge only went up to 10, and it was off the scale).


It should only be around 6 once fully warmed up, so where is the extra pressure coming from? Is the standard pump enough to generate that kind of pressure?


It sounds like there's a blockage somewhere which is stopping the petrol from returning to the tank, but where..?


Any thoughts appreciated!



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On a KR?


Sounds right on certain parts of the system. Where did he measure it?

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yeh fuel suppy pressure should be 5 - 6.


as toad asked, where did he measure it, to or from the metering head?


there's a system pressure regulator on the metering head, pressure is adjusted by washer/ shims, have read it's difficult to adjust though.

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