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oil leak-water leak+exhaust pop

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hello all,

fixed my blowing exhaust two days ago, lookd like it had come apart with a knock on section bhind cat. next day running pretty sound compared to what it was but has since developed a oil leak. never noticed it on floor before,only since doing exhaust, its not a great amount probably 2/3 table spoons full.and ive noticed water on floor too.

after day two exhaust was blowy again although not as bad and the water and oil was getting less. had car up today(just finished) and put exhaust together again, started and idled fine and after i turned it off oil and water drops were forming on lower front engine mount/water pump bit.

also if i rev past 4000 rpm the exhaust pops a couple of times on the way back down, it did before but i put it down to wrong/poor exhaust fitting.


just investigated oil and water leak, i think the water pump could have a minor leak or isnt working does take an age to read temp in car.

oil leak was a bit more worrying, sump is covered in oil so is under side of car, have oil right up to rocker cover and what looks like a bit around exhaust manifold. rather worried that i need new engine. :(

engine pulls well but i dont want to damage it anymore so all help is appreciated

thanks in advance to those that can help

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first things first - clean up all the oil you can then monitor it. only by keeping an eye on it and having clean areas to get contaminated by the oil leaking onto them will you find out exactly where the oil is coming from.

if you're worried you have a water leak then get the system pressure tested at a local garage (or borrow a pressure tester off someone as they are very easy to use) - that will not only tell you if you have a water leak but you should be able to see where it's coming from (unless it's an internal leak which is bad news!).


just by refitting/repairing your exhaust you shouldn't have caused any oil/water leaks anywhere as the exhaust and oil/water systems are in no way related. i know it sounds odd, but it's probably either coincidence, or you've never noticed it leaking before...


as for the pops and bangs - could be a number of things.

the most basic check you can do is to make sure your plug-leads are on tight - it's easy not to fit vr plug leads properly which causes missfires. also when were your spark-plugs & filters last changed? also how many miles has the car done and have the injectors ever been cleaned/replaced?



sorry to be a bit vague - but you've not given anything that's distinctly diagnosable! start with the points above and get back to us as you turn things up...

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some more info on the car. I have only had it two weeks its done 138000 miles.

Had issues when i brought it.

Idle was lumpy and exhaust was blowin. Replaced isv and got better.

Clunking on uptake of drive. top mounts i think

starter sticks now and again

rear caliper siezed

had a leak from front water flange. Replaced

put exhaust back together.

Ive garaged it every night and it hasnt made a mark.

After fixin exh i looked under the car and noticed the droplets forming on the lowest part. Thought it maybe due to the pressure from exhaust being fixed.

Think the water pump maybe shot it looks rather old and i dont no cars history. It was brought by someone and they coulnt fix idle. Changed fuel pump and numerous other things. Thats all i no apart from it come from london area before that.

Im pretty good with cars just no experience with these

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some more info on the car. I have only had it two weeks its done 138000 miles.

Had issues when i brought it.

Idle was lumpy and exhaust was blowin. Replaced isv and got better.

Clunking on uptake of drive. top mounts i think

starter sticks now and again

rear caliper siezed

had a leak from front water flange. Replaced

put exhaust back together.

Ive garaged it every night and it hasnt made a mark.

After fixin exh i looked under the car and noticed the droplets forming on the lowest part. Thought it maybe due to the pressure from exhaust being fixed.

Think the water pump maybe shot it looks rather old and i dont no cars history. It was brought by someone and they coulnt fix idle. Changed fuel pump and numerous other things. Thats all i no apart from it come from london area before that.

Im pretty good with cars just no experience with these


over fuelling maybe causing the exhaust popping, or ignition as above. does the exhaust smell "rich" with petrol?

Still got the number of the bloke you got the car from? You could ask him if he knows about the water leak oil leak.


As above id also get the car steam cleaned and pressure tested at a garage. find out where the leaks are coming from... id say the popping and the leaks are unrelated. Also if the water pump has gone you don't wont to be driving round init... could blow a your head gasket. get it looked over and get back to us with more info :)

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right then. Took car off road. Got water pump gonna fit it on saturday. Whats the main things to remove to get to it. Not happy with one on there i dont trust it.

Exhaust does smell of fuel have read it could be lambda

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hi all.

Spent five hours late last nite fitting new water pump. Stat. Stat housing and rocker gasket.

Started up a bit wierd wouldnt hold revs then sorted itself out and calmed down.

Exhaust Still a bit chuggy and popping thru down change.but it doesnt happen if i keep revs up.

Old stat was siezed shut wouldnt move at all. Old wp groaned when turned and rkr gasket was leakin nearly all round.

Took it out for a gentle drive this morning and all seems fine.

Can anyone confirm if the lambda can make the pop and make it run rich

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