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M15 VW

Calling all Mummies & Daddies - Maxi Cosi Tobi Car Seat....

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Hi All


Does anyone have a maxi cosi tobi car seat? Does it fit in the corrado?


Oh and if so does it fit in the front, back, both??



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Hi mate,


We've got this seat. I've tried it in the back and the seatbelt wasn't long enough to secure it. Then tried it in the front, I've got Audi S3 seats and they are higher than C leather seats at the front edge. So the seat didn't fit in my front because the top of the Maxi Cosi was right up to the rooflining height and the little fella's head would of been next to the top of the A pillar trim. Could be diff with standard seats. Best of luck and we chose that seat after reading lots of reviews and found this to be about the best safe seat available. I use this seat in our T4 with no probs and friends and family have no probs in thier run of the mill cars.

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Hi mate,


We've got this seat. I've tried it in the back and the seatbelt wasn't long enough to secure it. Then tried it in the front, I've got Audi S3 seats and they are higher than C leather seats at the front edge. So the seat didn't fit in my front because the top of the Maxi Cosi was right up to the rooflining height and the little fella's head would of been next to the top of the A pillar trim. Could be diff with standard seats. Best of luck and we chose that seat after reading lots of reviews and found this to be about the best safe seat available. I use this seat in our T4 with no probs and friends and family have no probs in thier run of the mill cars.


Yeh its fine in the passat but need to know how it is in the corrado with standard seats



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Can't you just go to Halfords or whichever stockist and try it, even if you buy it and take back as unsuitable?

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Can't you just go to Halfords or whichever stockist and try it, even if you buy it and take back as unsuitable?



we already have it fitted to our family car but i need to know if it will fit into a corrado before I go and buy another one.

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OOOOOh right, I see and there I was thinking I had a simple solution. How about scouting tescos for an unsuspecting Corrado owner? :|

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OOOOOh right, I see and there I was thinking I had a simple solution. How about scouting tescos for an unsuspecting Corrado owner? :|


yes, that sounds sensible.

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Prob not much use, but we have the Maxi Cozy 'Pebble' seat, and it fits in perfectly

the wifes more modern car is more difficult to fit it :shrug:

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