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unsmooth rear spoler, why?

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hey, iv tried doing a search for this but cant find anything, anyway my spoiler doesnt come up as smooth as it should, it comes up about 5mm at a time, stop for a second then another 5mm stop and so on, it takes about 20 or more seconds to get to the top ant the same going back down again, its the same on the switch and automaticaly while driving, i tried it the other day on the switch with the engine off and i could here a little clicking sound coming from the back, the click was swithing on and off as the spoiler was trying to go up? can anyone help me please?



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im not sure if the spoiler runs off a relay swith but thats how it sounded, like a relay switching on and off, it would click-spoiler goes up, click-spoler stops, click-up, click-stop and it will do this over and over untill it reaches the top

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It sounds very much like your thermal overload inside the spoiler motor is failing. Had this problem myself some time back, cleaned all of the runners and regreased everything but still the same.


this thread will give you more info:




Basically you need to open the casing of the motor itself and bypass the overload. done mine nearly a year ago now and it's still working fine.

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i had this recently. I took the whole spoiler assembly apart, inc the motor and cleaned out all the cr@p and regreased throughout. Now works very well.

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