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Funny things seen whilst on the road...

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Seen a couple of funny signs whilst driving the last few days, worth taking a photo of IMO and sharing with u lot! :D


1st was a driver's instructors car with this sign:


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC00164.JPG[/attachment:eknfaemu]


2nd was this van with portable loo's on the back:





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drove through this place on the coast in north donegal last week....




and seriously, they actually have a 'diving centre'.

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bummer wish my old phone worked. pics are so much better but here goes.


we have school buses in leicester with "ride the beaver" written in massive letters all over them.


and at my old local they had a sign that read "any unattended children will be sold as slaves" always tickled me when i had a skin full

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bummer wish my old phone worked. pics are so much better but here goes.


we have school buses in leicester with "ride the beaver" written in massive letters all over them.


and at my old local they had a sign that read "any unattended children will be sold as slaves" always tickled me when i had a skin full


I took a photo of my mate in front a a "ride the beaver" bus at Twycross zoo. How we laughed :lol:


I'll try and dig it out.

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