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fitment on my g60 (thinking of using compomotives?)

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Hi, this is my first post. Just wondered if anyone nows is these kind of wheels have been used on a corrado before? (g60) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320557827309&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Im thinking of putting something different on mine and always been in to rallying. The fit looks right but apart from the offset its 49 and i have read somewere the corrado is 38 ish is that a problem? . Also what do you think it would look like when re-furbed (be honest i dont mind).

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they'd probably look good but you'd probably want a 15mm spacer on them to make up for the high offset, so depends if you're happy running spacers. also, the centrebore is 56.5mm and VW is 57.1 so you might need that machining out slightly to get them on.

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To be honest i wasnt sure if the large offset ment the wheel would be sticking out of the the car or in. But if it means using spacers then i might try a different wheel. Many thanks for the help :)

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