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Full beam LED always on?

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Hi, just noticed something really strange on my car. The full beam led/light on the instrument cluster is permanantly on! It was not like this before and im sure it has just happened recently.


Basically even with the key out of the ignition and therefore the engine off, the led is lit. If i turn the car on and engage full beam, it just lights up brighter (as you would expect if you were to put on the main beam). If i then take full beam off, it goes into the on, but slightly dimmer state.


Starting to worry that there is something very strange going on. I did recently do the headlight ground fuse modification to prevent any loom fires like what has been reported recently. When i completed this mod, everything worked fine and the main beam led worked as normal (i.e completly off when main beam was not engaged). All my lights function normally as well so nothing odd there.


We have had a lot of rain recently so wondering if this could be to blame?


Even now i am worried that the stupid light that is on will be draining my battery whilst i am not using the car... :cuckoo:


Any ideas guys? Maybe it is the intrument cluster (they are knocking on 143K so maybe they have had their day?)



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ok... it was a faulty set of relays in my upgraded headlight loom caused by water ingress. Swapped them out for some new ones and tried to water tight the connections. All good now!


not bad considering the old relay's lasted three years and still actually worked when i ripped them out yesterday.

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